About this site

This site was created to share my interests and projects that I work on. While music is an area of casual focus for me, I also enjoy tech related topics.


I’ve been a guitar player from a very young age and have grown into a multi-instrumentalist. From the time I’d learned basic chords I began writing songs. At a certain point I’d gotten into home recording and I enjoy the process of recording nearly as much as writing music. I’ve got a particular style of music which is what I would consider ballads with heavier choruses. I also enjoy craating guitar harmonies which are melodic. As I record new music you will hear it on this site before I post it anywhere else.


In some of my spare time I like to work with servers and virtualization. I also enjoy creating write-ups and you will be able to find some of my how-to articles on this site.


If you like the content that I provide then you can subsribe to my site and get all of my new articles sent directly to your inbox.


If you would like to offer your support, which would be much appreciated, you can do any of the following:

  • Visit my eBay store and make a purchase from me
  • Purchase or stream my music from whichever music platform you use including Apple Music, Spotify and YouTube
  • Subscribe to this site and interact with my content