“Adam’s Song” Blink 182 Backing Track for Guitar
Billy Shuler
This backing track hoovers around 136bpm. An important thing to remember about this track is that while the bass is in standard tuning, the guitars are tuned a whole step down to D. Tabs: https://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/blink-182-adams-song-bass-tab-s257
“Lifer” Down Backing Track for Guitar
Billy Shuler
You can find the tablature here: https://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/down-lifer-tab-s398684
“Countdown to Extinction” Megadeth Backing Track for Guitar
Billy Shuler
Drums: ML Drums Bass: Ibanez RGB305 You can find the tabs here https://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/megadeth-countdown-to-extinction-tab-s12245
Backing Tracks For Guitar : Downloads Page is Now Available
Billy Shuler
I’ve created a page dedicated to backing tracks that I’ve released. These backing tracks are geared toward guitarist. Each track has a preview and link to downloadable mp3 as well as a link to the tablature. You can reach the backing track page by following the “Backing Tracks” link in the menu or by going…
“96 Quite Bitter Beings” CKY Backing Track for Guitar
Billy Shuler
This backing track is in E Standard tuning.
Charvel Pro-Mod So-Cal Style 1 HH HT E, Faderport 8 Production Controller, Ibanez RGB305, ML Drums, PreSonus Studio One, Yamaha Acoustic Guitar
“Today” Smashing Pumpkins Backing Track for Guitar
Billy Shuler
The backing track here is recorded in E Standard tuning and is 120bpm in tempo. The tabs for this song can be found here: https://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/smashing-pumpkins-today-tab-s47403 Below you will find the mp3 version of the backing track to download and use to practice anywhere YouTube isn’t available.
“This Was My Life” Megadeth Backing Track
Billy Shuler
This backing track was made with ML Drums and recorded with an Ibanez RGB305 bass. The tablature for this song can be found at https://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/megadeth-this-was-my-life-tab-s24287.